Diana Lozano

As One by One celebrates 10 years of ministry, we’re reflecting on some of the larger lessons that God has taught us through serving.

Diana Lozano

The first thing I’ve learned from serving at One by One is to live by Faith, believing always in a God who backs our steps of Faith. Especially through being an administrator and seeing the numbers, I’m conscious that His provision has always arrived on time; when it hasn’t gone that way, He’s taught us patience and perseverance.

The second thing I’ve learned is to serve others. No matter what position or title I hold, I can clean the building, clean toilets, and make food for the kids. I feel good doing it because it’s a small thing I give back to God from the abundance he has given me. Seeing a happy child enjoying food that I prepared is my greatest reward. Cleaning the chairs and floor for them to sit on is for me loving them the way that God commanded us. Seeing happy kids enjoying “just being kids” while removed from the hardships of home—even for a couple of hours—is priceless.

Diana Lozano has been on staff since 2013, serving as the ministry’s administrator.

Before I came to One by One, I thought of it as just another job, but now I say that it is my house, my home, and my family. Thank you for allowing me to be here serving to enlarge His kingdom and for giving to those who need it most!


Lo primero que he aprendido de servir en One by One, es vivir por Fe, creyendo siempre en un Dios que respalda nuestros pasos de Fe, más aún siendo administrador y ver los números, estoy consciente que su provisión siempre ha llegado en tiempo y cuando no fue así, nos mostró la paciencia y perseverancia. 

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Lo segundo que he aprendido, es a Servir a los demás, no importando el cargo que desempeñe, titulo,puedo limpiar, lavar inodoros, hacer las comidas para los niños y me siento bien haciéndolo, porque es algo que regreso de los mucho que Dios me ha dado, ver a un niño feliz comiendo un plato de comida con deleite es mi mejor recompensa, o teniendo limpio el lugar donde ellos se sientan para mi es amarles, como Dios nos mando, ver a un niño feliz desconectado de su realidad actual, aunque sea por una horas disfrutando ser niños, eso no tiene precio.

One by One es mi hogar, mi familia, antes que llegara aqui pense era un trabajo mas, hoy digo es mi casa, es mi hogar, son mi familia, gracias por permitirme estar aquí sirviendo para engrandecer su reino, para dar a los que más lo necesitan. 


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