As One by One celebrates 10 years of ministry, we’re reflecting on some of the larger lessons that God has taught us through serving.

The ministry has been a great blessing in my life. I feel that it has caused a lot of growth in me. I have learned a lot through the children from their lives and through knowing their families.
I sincerely believe that who I am today is thanks to what I have learned in the ministry. When I arrived here, I was a girl with many fears and insecurities. I found it difficult to speak in public, but through working in the ministry, I’ve learned to conquer my fears, and I’ve been able to finish my degree. I’m very happy to be able to be at One by One and serve the children, because it’s a joy to know that we can plant something good in them and in their families so they can know God’s love.
Cindy Venerio served on staff with One by One from 2015 to 2019, working in the after-school program Paso a Paso. Having a degree in social work, she spent time with the families of kids in the program, checking on their wellbeing and building relationships.

El ministerio ha sido de mucha bendición para mi vida. Siento que ha habido un crecimiento en mí, he aprendido mucho a través de los niños, de sus vidas el conocer a sus familias, siento en mi corazón que de lo que soy ahora es gracias a todo lo que he aprendido en el ministerio. Cuando llegué aquí era una chica con muchos miedos e inseguridades; me costaba hablar en público, pero el poder trabajar en el ministerio me ha enseñado a vencer mis miedos al querer superarme el poder terminar mi carrera universitaria me siento muy feliz de poder estar en One by One y servir a los niños porque es un gozo el saber que podemos sembrar algo bueno en ellos y en sus familias y que conozcan el amor de DIOS.