As One by One celebrates 10 years of ministry, we’re reflecting on some of the larger lessons that God has taught us through serving.

It’s a great joy for me to be a part of the One by One family and to be celebrating 10 years since its first service.

Being part of One by One taught me to serve others with love, to leave pride behind, to be patient and change my rebellious conduct and give it to God. It’s wonderful to find a ministry where God’s love abounds and that teaches you what God wants for you.

Thank you, One by One, for teaching me to know Christ.

Estéfani Rivas has been on staff with One by One since 2015, working in the after-school program Paso a Paso, helping with homework and teaching English.

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Es una gran alegría para mi ser parte de la familia One by One y estar celebrando 10 años de su primer servicio.

Ser parte de One by One me enseñó a servir a los demás con amor, a dejar el orgullo, hacer paciente y a cambiar mi conducta rebelde y entregarse la a Dios. Es maravilloso encontrar un ministerio donde abunda el amor de Dios y te enseña lo que Dios quiere para ti.

Gracias One by One por enseñarme a conocer a Cristo.


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